Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Goals

I'm not the type of person who makes New Year's Resolutions. I've never really done it. I don't usually make goals for the year either. But I want to make some for this year. One thing I always have wanted to improve about myself is that I don't live very intentionally, either in my life in general or in the day to day. I think that having some goals for the year will help me with that.

So, my goals for this year are:

1. Complete my childbirth and breastfeeding classes. (I have two years from October 2010 to get everything done, but I would like to get all the knowledge I can from class/book learning as soon as possible. That way I can be prepared for my clients, and focus on getting them when I have a good knowledge base.)

2. Complete the minimum required reading for certification. (I only have 3 more that I have to read and I know I can get that done in a year. I will probably read more though, so I feel like getting the actual requirement done will be a good thing. I also want to do this for the reason mentioned in the goal above.)

3. Work out a couple of times a week. (I really want to be more fit and healthy, but I know that you need to have goals that are specific and measurable. I don't really have a weight loss goal that I want to achieve, so I figure this a good goal. And I think it's attainable.)

4. Go on the paddle boats at Rothwell Park. (Ben and I have wanted to go on those for a couple years now, and we've lived here two summers, and have never done it. Silly. This year we will go on them.)

5. Have a picnic date with Ben somewhere pretty. (We don't really go on a lot of dates, which is fine. The way our life works right now it isn't really that doable. But I would like to go on some, so I might as well make a goal for one. I don't want to just go to the park for this either. I want to actually find a cool place, maybe that we've never been.)

6. Read through the Bible at least once and keep a prayer journal. (I'm excited about this one. I think it will be really good for me. I am not great at making sure I'm reading the Bible and praying, and I think part of the problem is not being sure what to read. I think I'll probably read it straight through.)

I think those are all my goals for the year. Start small and reasonable, right?

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