So, no Texas for us unfortunately. Late Monday night my stomach started kind of hurting. And so it began. I got sicker and sicker through the night. Early this morning, I finally ended up throwing up. I felt better afterward, and was so hoping that I would just be better. We got up early to leave for the airport. I started to feel really bad again as we were getting ready and heading to the car. We got in the car, picked up Rich, stopped so the boys could get breakfast and I could get some pepto and gatorade.
We stopped twice on the road because I felt like I needed to use the bathroom. I took two doses of pepto and had been sipping on the gatorade throughout the trip. We'd gotten pretty close to KC and I was started feeling really bad. And then...bleh. I threw up in the car into a grocery sack. Ben pulled over, and it was this point that I looked at him and said, "I'm beginning to wonder if we should take this trip." Haha. Yeah, you think? But I just really didn't want to cancel it. So I think I was in denial, and just delaying the inevitable. I called Southwest to make sure we would get credit for our tickets so we could get some later, which we could. I felt better after I threw up, but after some discussion with Ben we made the ultimate choice to cancel our flight and turn around. It was a hard, sad decision. I called and texted the people that needed to be informed and everyone was disappointed.
Then we started the trek home. I was frustrated that we had gotten so far, or that we had even left Moberly. And then...the body aches started. I didn't feel super stomach sick, but that's probably because there wasn't anything in my stomach. But I started to be in horrible pain, which was even worse since I just had to sit in the car. It was awful. But we made it home.
Since we got home I've felt varying degrees of better or worse, and I still can't keep anything down. And it's hard not to feel mopey. I am very disappointed. But I'm trying to look on the bright side. It would have been awful to travel and be somewhere other than home with the way I was/am feeling. This way I won't get friends and family that I was to visit sick. If Ben catches it we will be home. Ben doesn't have to call in the days we would be gone that he couldn't get off. And as Ben says, we've just postponed the trip.
So that' my sad story. I don't know what we will do for Christmas now. I guess when I start feeling better I will try making some plans.
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