Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is it really that exciting?

Maybe I'm alone here. But does anybody else know those people who are super enthusiastic? About EVERYTHING? I feel like I know a disproportional amount of them. Maybe it's a Bible college thing. These are the people that everything is exciting and everyone is the greatest, and they must express this often. And then there is the word "epic." The whole "epic" trend is a personal pet peeve. I'm pretty sure there are not many things in my life I would describe as epic. Maybe nothing. My life is pretty quiet.

Anyway, maybe I'm just getting older. I'm kind of okay with being boring sometimes. And I just don't have the enthusiasm I notice amongst the facebook world. I wish I could come up with a good example, but it's more of a general wave of the same type of posts.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


With the end of Ben's school career in sight, we began to think about our next step. We prayed about it, and we think we have been shown our path for the next season in our life. It's a bit on the strange, bizarre, crazy side.

We, and our three cats, will be living in a motorhome in Ben's parents driveway.

Why would we do this, you ask. Let me tell you some reasons.

1. We want to. It's an adventure, it sounds fun and challenging.

2. This is probably the only time in our life that it is realistic to attempt something like this. We are young, no kids, etc.

3. To pay off debt. We have student loans that we want to pay off as quickly as possible, so that I will be able to stay home with kids, at least while they are not in school. Living this way will cut down our expenses SO much, that we think we will be able to pay down a good chunk of those loans fairly quickly.

I am not going into this idealistically, I definitely know it will be difficult and probably frustrating and painful in some ways. But I think it will be good for us, and will help us accomplish our goals. So I am pretty excited about it.