Maybe I'm alone here. But does anybody else know those people who are super enthusiastic? About EVERYTHING? I feel like I know a disproportional amount of them. Maybe it's a Bible college thing. These are the people that everything is exciting and everyone is the greatest, and they must express this often. And then there is the word "epic." The whole "epic" trend is a personal pet peeve. I'm pretty sure there are not many things in my life I would describe as epic. Maybe nothing. My life is pretty quiet.
Anyway, maybe I'm just getting older. I'm kind of okay with being boring sometimes. And I just don't have the enthusiasm I notice amongst the facebook world. I wish I could come up with a good example, but it's more of a general wave of the same type of posts.
Right there with you. Having gone to a Bible College and visited quite a few, I know exactly what you mean. I often have to ask, are they being real or is it a show? Buh!