Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Some blessings.

I've received a lot of encouragement and blessings over the the past few days. I think I have been growing, because my appreciation for them is very deep. Coming to terms with the fact that I am not owed anything by God was very humbling to me. The things that have come about recently I know were not owed, but graciously granted.

My grandma was in town, which was a big blessing in and of itself. Since we got married, the opportunities to see my family have been more sparse, and I miss them so much. Getting to spend a couple of days with her was wonderful. In addition to the blessing of just getting to be with her, she took me shopping while she was here. I was able to pick out some things I liked and wanted for the baby. I haven't really been able to do that the whole time I've been pregnant. We are certainly receiving things and are able to borrow some of what we need (also a blessing), but it was a joy to be able to actually pick some stuff out myself.

Someone (anonymous) at work, for several days, left me a sweet note and gift on my desk in the morning. It was so loving and kind, and was a true blessing to my heart.

Ben heard back from his DISH Network interview. He is moving on in the process (checking references, urine test). This was very encouraging to us both.

Ben was able to teach Sunday School to middle school students this past Sunday. It was exciting for him to have a chance to teach (his passion) and to have another ministry opportunity. He was only asked to do it for that Sunday, but I noticed an announcement in the bulletin that they were looking for people for that very role. He expressed his interest, and now he is going to be teaching every Sunday! I truly could not be more thrilled about this. I was hoping (feeling) something more would come from him teaching that one Sunday, and this blessing feels immense. It feels like we are really moving along the path we are supposed to be on. It feels so good to see God working.

And yesterday afternoon was just a gift. It was so beautiful out when I got home from work. We took a short walk with a friend to a local coffee shop and treated ourselves to a drink. It was a delight to my soul.

As grateful as I am for these blessings, in my reflections I am also very grateful for the hard times we have been going through. They have been painful. But they are bearing fruit in us. And that is more important than anything. It is good to serve a just, wise, kind God.

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