I saw a picture on Pinterest that had the quote "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." I like this quote because I have a real problem with trying. If I can't do things perfectly to start with, I give up.
So what am I trying right now? Meal planning. It may seem a little silly, but this has been something I've wanted to do, but have struggled with. There are some sites that you can pay for them to do it for you, which I wasn't opposed to. But the problem I found was that the sample recipes that they showed you to tempt you in, didn't sound like anything we would really like. So that route wasn't going to work.
So here's what I've been doing. Gathering recipes. Trying recipes. Starting a list of meals that we already know we like. Adding to the list as I go. Attempting to plan a couple of meals ahead of time for each week.
I'm not going to be able to plan our meals for a year, a month or even two weeks when I'm just starting out. To begin with, I don't have enough recipes. And it's something that takes work and practice. It's a habit to form. I'm feeling excited about my progress so far. I feel proud that I've stuck with it. I've looked through tons of recipes, and have gleaned a few from each search session. It takes time, but I think it will be worth it. And maybe someday all my hard work will help someone else.
I've been working on planning meals lately too. I used Elise's method that she posted on her blog and it has worked out for me. I've also noticed we aren't going out to eat as much which is saving us tons! I also don't hate cooking as much... it's still a struggle some days but it's getting better :)