Monday, April 30, 2012

oh my.

Tomorrow is May. Moving month is upon us. Ben and I have both been having some conflicting emotions about the move. We are excited about living in the motor home and being around family and our friends out there. But sad about leaving friends here. And there is some anxiety mixed in too. About specific things, like jobs and how the cats will do in the motor home. But I think I'm also experiencing just some general anxiety about starting a new life. There are so many unknowns. I'm a little sad to be leaving our first home as a married couple, too.

I am BEYOND thrilled that Ben will be done with school. I can't believe the end has finally come. I'm so ready.

I've already been making some progress on sorting and packing. We have to be mostly packed up in two weeks so Ben's parents can take the majority of our stuff back after graduation. I have quite a bit to do in the next few weeks.