Friday, April 20, 2012

Job attempt!

I applied for a job in Colorado today. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, since I have no clue whether or not I will get it. But it's kind of hard, because I think I really want it. It is an administrative assistant job in a counseling center. I got my bachelor's degree in counseling and it is the same general type of work I have been doing for almost 3 years now, so I think it would be a really good fit. PLUS it is full time. With benefits. Which my current job is not.

It is the first time I've ever applied for a "grown up" job. I don't really count my job now because I still work hourly, I'm not full time, etc. The job I have now was previously designated for students, and I think that's another reason I've never really thought of it as a "grown up" job. And was pretty easy to get because it is at the college I graduated from, so they knew me. This would be a salaried position. I don't know anyone there. I submitted a cover letter in addition to my resume. Pretty crazy.

I guess if I don't get it, at least I'm getting myself more used to the process.

Anyway, I'm excited and nervous.