Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meal Planning...Who does it? I try, but seriously, it's hard. I was surprised. If anyone has tips, I would like some. My ultimate goal is to plan for a whole month! I've started out by doing a couple of meals a week. It works out well because we eat dinner with our friends/neighbors every night, and so usually I cook (or at least plan. We all kind of join in the cooking. Except Ben :) He's not much of a cooker) a couple meals, and they plan a couple. It makes it an easy transition into meal planning, but I still kind of have trouble sometimes.

I've worked out twice this week. Success! I've been doing (fast paced) walking on a treadmill. I like it. I was surprised that I felt good right away from doing it. I didn't today because my apartment was a disaster, and I was going to lose it if I didn't get it cleaned. But I will be back at it tomorrow. I definitely want to work in strengthening exercises for my arms and abs. Jessie posted some on the Being True blog. Check them out if you are looking for some stuff that is easy to do at home. I own weights and an exercise ball, so there is a lot of stuff I can do! I remember some stuff from a class I took at the Y while I was still in college as well. It feels great to be accomplishing a goal, and taking care of myself.

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