I haven't been self-reflective very much in my life recently. I used to self reflect all the time. So, that being the case I thought I would think of some facts about me. Since I'm unsure about who I am at the moment, maybe they will help me out. I hope at least they might make for somewhat interesting reading.
1. I love puns. I think they are hilarious and will laugh pretty hard at them.
2. I really hate talking on the phone. I'm generally awkward and don't really feel like I have anything to say.
3. The music that I like tends to usually have a melancholy sound. I find that type of sound really pretty. I used to be pretty melancholy, so I also used to find solace in music that resonated with my feelings.
4. I don't think I would actually be classified as obsessive-compulsive, but I really like to organize and for things to be organized. My fridge has to be organized in a certain way, or it stresses me out when I open it. I have to straighten up our apartment, and usually have to do the dishes before I can sit and relax. I like the bed to be made. I. Hate. Clutter.
5. I love rearranging my furniture. I rearranged my bedroom when I lived with my parents, I rearranged my dorm rooms, and I've rearranged our apartment at least 4 times in the year and a half we've lived in it.
6. I have an odd sort of perfectionism that comes out in me not doing anything unless I can do it perfectly. It keeps me from trying to do new things, or just things that are difficult.
7. I am a counselor. It's not a job I have, it's just who I am. I love to talk to people and try to help them. It just comes out of me naturally. But not if I'm in an office trying to be an official counselor. In that situation I freeze up and go blank.
8. I took ballet from before kindergarten until I was a sophomore in high school. I still love ballet, and if I could I would be a professional. Alas, I know this will never be. But I would like to take a class again.
9. I love donuts. Or doughnuts. Mmmmm. I want to get a donut pan so I can make them.
10. I'm a cat person. I find this surprising. But I love my cat's independence and self-sufficiency. He's cuddly, but he doesn't have to be on me all the time. He doesn't bark or freak out when I leave. I don't have to take him out to go to the bathroom. And while cleaning the litter box isn't my favorite, if you get good litter it isn't that bad. And he never goes anywhere else in the house but his box. He's great!