I've been in love with Washington since the first time I was there. It is so beautiful. It has the freshest air I've ever breathed. There are mountains and water. And it is soooo green. There is so much glorious rain.
And there is something else. I just feel at home there. I can't explain it, I just have never felt so much like I belong in a place. Which is kind of funny, because I went through some of the strangest and worst times of my life while I was there. But the wonderfullness of Washington shone through the awful. I really hope we will live there someday, even for just a while. But in the meantime, I will be happy with our week long vacation!
Other than just being in Washington, I'm excited to spend time with my mom, stepdad, and his family. We always have so much fun with them.
This is me and Ben at the Pike Street Market in Seattle. This was about four years ago I think (have we really been together that long?!).

Mom, Kevin (my stepdad), and me on one of our road trips.

This is me, Kevin, and my mom's dog Dottie on the beach. I love the ocean but I'm not the type to swim in the ocean, so I love the beaches up there because they are chilly, and perfect for just taking walks.

I'm so thankful we get to take this trip.