Friday, April 29, 2011

Summer thoughts.

There is one more week of classes and then one week of finals. I think I'm more excited than Ben about this fact, but that is probably because I don't have to do all the end of the year projects he does.

I've been out of school for almost two years, but my life is still run by semesters and breaks.

Ben and I are supposed to start running this summer (it was his idea). It may sound crazy to start running when it's getting hotter out (at least it does to me. I hate being hot...or cold...) but it's because that's when he will actually have time. I'm looking forward to it, but I also know I'm going to hate it. But I bought some shoes, and as Ben says, "that's a commitment."

I'm looking forward to summer. We want to take a trip to a little town (Brunswick, MO) that is about an hour away. We drove through it on our way to the airport. It was lovely, with hills and neat old houses. They have a pecan festival in October that I think would be neat to go to.

We are going to have our second anniversary and I will turn 25 in June. That number sounds older than I feel.

I'm still struggling towards contentment. It is painful and difficult. It's hard to stop being selfish. I do feel I'm growing and getting better. I actually feel like I'm moving forward (though it is slowly) which seems like a victory.

The other day it was raining while it was sunny...and there was a beautiful rainbow...